This special program facuses on very few succesful face transplantations in the world and amoung them the full face transplantation including ear and hair that Prof Ozkan performed is praised as the most succesful one. In this exlusive covarege it is also mentioned that apart from its well known reputation as a popular holiday destination Antalya has already become a medical city in whole region attracting a large number of non turkish patients, thanks to increasing investments made and highly skilled turkish doctors .

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:اول عمليه جراحيه لنقل رحم

عمليه جراحيه جديده تفتح ابواب الامل لكثير من السيدات اللاتي ولدن من غير رخم اوتعرضن لحادث او عمليه لازاله الرحم

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